Thursday, September 10, 2009

This 'n that..

We have survived the first weeks of school and are now well into the routine... After a lovely Labor Day holiday, we return to two (count 'em - 2!!) "Back to School" nights - one for 7th - 9th, and the second for 10th - 12th grades. The good news is that we have plenty of interested and caring parents who are willing to take the time to be involved in their child's school life. The not so good news is that we are at school until 8:00 p.m. on both nights. Can anyone say "yaaaawn"?

In addition to adding a number of *wonderful new items to the collection, we have also "upgraded" our student seating with brand new "task chairs" for the computer workstations! No more falling backwards when the seat back breaks - no more typing with your chin when the chair remains stuck at its lowest setting - no more brushing all that funny foam rubber stuffing off your navy blue skirt, if you happen to get a shredded seat cushion... in short, no more hassles of the old chair kind!

* Coming soon - a full list of all those wonderful new items! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

Jaymee Acoba said...

Haha. I remember Back to School Night, the night where we were yes stuck at school till around 8 p.m., but this was also the night where I stayed up until a little after midnight trying to do homework. So yes I can say "yaaawn".