Friday, August 27, 2010

A new beginning...

..but then, aren't all beginnings, by definition, new?  In any case, here we are after a difficult start to a new school year - difficult because of the tragic loss of one of our own, but made much easier because this tragedy has reinforced the very real sense that we are indeed, ohana.  We will get through this together!

And yet, this year does hold the promise of much that is exciting and new... new ways of teaching and learning, new laptops for every student, new books and programs and activities... it will go by much too quickly, and the good memories will outweigh the sad.

So, I bid a very fond WELCOME to all our students - returning and beginning - and hope that we in the library can be of service to you... Please, never hesitate to ASK - and we'll do our best to see that you receive.. 

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